AI Trading Bot Scores $58,816 Move With Its NVDA Option Trading Strategy

This AI TradeMachine is taking the trading world by storm

Published May 31st, 2024 at 8:33 a.m. EDT
Meet TradeMachine - A Powerful AI Option Trade Finder & Backtester
Five years from now, you’ll be happy you’re reading this right now.

AI has been all the rage over the past few months, with use cases ranging from writing code to language translation, image generation and so much more.

But the most powerful use case for AI has been hiding in the shadows.

Trading with AI.

You see, the elite on Wall Street have been utilizing AI in one of the most powerful ways possible.

To help them improve their trading profits.

And the results have been extraordinary.

But most everyday traders haven’t had access to this kind of AI technology - until recently.

A new AI-powered trading tool has started to take the trading world by storm, but the majority of everyday traders have yet to discovered.

Meet TradeMachine - an AI powered option trade idea finder and backtester

Ophir Gottlieb, CEO of Capital Market Laboratories & co-founder of TradeMachine, presenting at the 72nd CFA Institute Annual Conference
Created by Stanford mathematician and former NYSE & CBOE market maker, Ophir Gottlieb, TradeMachine was built to give the everyday trader access to the same kind of AI technology and ‘edge’ used by some of the top firms on Wall Street.

According to Mr. Gottlieb:

We built TradeMachine to level the playing field between the everyday trader and top firms on Wall Street. I always found it completely unfair that most traders don’t have access to this kind of AI technology. With TradeMachine - they finally do, and I truly believe it’ll take someone’s option trading to the next level”

The results have already started to speak for themselves.

We were shown testimonials of users such as Robert who made $7,960 within his first few weeks of using TradeMachine.

Another TradeMachine user grew their portfolio over 70% once they started implementing TradeMachine in their option trading.

Editors Note: Mr. Gottlieb has allowed us to provide readers with a special link to try TradeMachine for $9 for 9 days. >>>Click here to try it out for $9

How TradeMachine Works & Why It's So Powerful

We were given a demo of how even a beginner trader could take advantage of a powerful trading tool like TradeMachine.

In the most basic terms, here’s how Mr. Gottlieb explained how TradeMachine works:

Step 1: Daily Scan Of Thousands of Stocks For Various Technical Setups

Imagine this, you now have access to one of the smartest Ivy-League graduates who is coming off of two years worth of experience working at a top hedge fund.

They are now available to help you find trade ideas every single day.

That’s essentially TradeMachine, but multiply it by a factor of 1000.

Every day, TradeMachine scans thousands and thousands of stocks for various technical set ups.

Think of those stock graphs you’ve seen with a bunch of lines and squiggles on them. MACD Momentum, Bullist Bursts, Buy the Dip, etc.

TradeMachine can scan for all of those in a matter of minutes - putting your favorite trading guru to shame.

Once it identifies the stocks that qualify, it then moves to Step 2.

Step 2: $58,816 On NVDA: Backtesting To Find The Most Profitable Option Strategy To Use

In Step 2, things start to get fun.

Using the stocks from Step 1, TradeMachine then runs hundreds and hundreds of backtests to find the most profitable option strategy to use with the highest tested cumulative gain and strongest win rate.

It takes into account every possible variable:

- Strike prices
- Expiration dates
- Limits & stop losses
- Calls/Puts vs Spreads
- Etc

For example, if you look at the image below, you’ll see that TradeMachine tells us that one of th optimal option trade strategies for NVDA would have been going long 50 delta calls with about 14 days to expiration.
Following the trade ideas triggered by TradeMachine would have resulted in a gain of $58,816 with 36 wins and 16 losses for a win rate of 69%.

Pretty incredible right?

Step 3: The 60-Second Trader: TradeMachine Returns 5-10 Optimal Option Trades Ideas Everyday

In Step 3 of the process, everything really starts to come together for TradeMachine.

After running the backtests in Step 2, TradeMachine then returns 5-10 of the absolute best option trade ideas that the user should consider for a trade.

These trade ideas are conveniently laid out for the user on the ‘Today’ tab which is designed for traders to take a quick scan of the option trade ideas everyday:
Within that today tab, each trade idea is organized by the technical setup that the stock has triggered for: MACD Momentum, Bullish Bursts, Buy the Dip, etc.
When you click the ticker symbol of the option trade idea, it’ll take you to another page where it lays out the exact option trade idea that has triggered.

That includes the strike price to use, expiration date, limit and stop levels and more
Overall, the process was very straightforward for us to understand, even though we aren’t active traders.

Editors Note: Mr. Gottlieb has allowed us to provide readers with a special link to try TradeMachine for $9 for 9 days. >>>Click here to try it out for $9

What’s Next For TradeMachine? (And How You Can Try It Out)

Overall, we were extremely impressed with the TradeMachine platform and quite surprised it hasn’t gone mainstream yet.

According to Mr. Gottlieb:

Our goal now is to try and get TradeMachine in the hands of as many traders as possible. We know we’ve barely scratched the surface getting this out into the world. We’re not marketers - I’m a trader and mathematician and my co-founder is a software engineer. We’ve been intensely focused on the product and customer experience and hope that users will notice that when they give us a try

Mr. Gottlieb has allowed us to provide readers with a special link to try TradeMachine for $9 for 9 days. You can click here to try it out for $9

TradeMachine normally retails for $149 per month, but if you are interested in trying out TradeMachine for yourself, you can use the special link below to try it out for just $9.
Then act fast!

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